Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Weekend: A Dramatic Reenactment

I had a great long weekend, and I'm hoping you did too!  I thought about all the ways I could recap my weekend for you, including through song, crayon illustrations, and modern dance.  However, in the end, I decided there was no better medium than Toddlers & Tiaras.  Take it away, ladies...

On Friday night, a few friends wanted to go dancing.  Usually I reserve Friday nights for more exciting things like "watching TV on my couch" and "eating guacamole."  So my first reaction was:  No. Sorry, but no.

But then I reconsidered because, well, who doesn't like to dance??

On Saturday, I finally got out to the Udvar-Hazy National Air & Space museum.  I've been wanting to visit for a while -- they have actual space shuttles there!!  Actual! Space! Shuttles!

Sunday was super fun. I ate brunch with a couple friends at a new place.  It was French cuisine, but let's just be honest.  I've never turned down food of any variety.

On Sunday night, as I was mentally preparing to go to work the next morning, I remembered that Monday was a holiday!  So I said a little prayer of gratitude.

By Monday it was time to clean and organize my apartment, which I had been putting off all weekend.  Ugh, cleaning.

And, at the end of the day, even with all these fun times, I still felt like the weekend was too short.  And so I had myself a little adult tantrum.

gif credit goes to this site, and this one, and this one too.

1 comment:

  1. Your "I finally got to Udvar-Hazy National Air & Space museum face" looks remarkably similar to my "IMAX!!!!!!!!!!! face."
