Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Calendar of Existential Crises

Happy Day-After-New-Years-But-Still-A-Federal-Holiday!!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and is eagerly anticipating the year ahead.

In the event that you either 1) still need a desktop calendar for 2012; or 2) would like a preview of what the coming year has in store for yours truly, here's a piece I wrote a little while ago...

2012 Calendar of Existential Crises

I started this blog about five months ago on a whim.  I'm having a blast, and I hope you're enjoying the ride.  Here's to 12 more months of profound hilarious neurotic revelry.


  1. Yay! You are ridiculous and I love you. And that picture looks fairly dangerous. You have inspired me to start my own blog. "The Year I Finally Got My Shit Together." I plan to write it for many years to come, so that when I finally get my shit together, I'll be ready. Jen Dorsey

  2. Awe, thanks lady! Yes, my heel clicks can get dangerous, but mostly because they're so incredibly awesome.
