2007. Young and Fun. Large and In-Charge.
9:23 AM A: HOW was last night a good idea? I only have myself to blame.
me: Ha! yep, I have been drinking Powerade like it's going out of style. But it was fun!
9:26 AM
A: what was that movie with Colin Farrell in the phone booth? That's how I feel. But yes, it was so fun.
me: you mean "Phone Booth"?9:32 AM me: also, did I tell you that some guy dragged me onto the dance floor at one point last night?
A: NO. I don't even remember there being a dance floor.
me: I only just remembered that
2009. Older and Not-so-Wiser. Progressing Dangerously Toward Pathetic.
9:04 PM me: I've been searching "army dad surprises kids at school" on Google. Prepare for heartache...http://www.cnn.com/video/#/ video/living/2008/12/11/wdiv. mom.surprises.son.wdiv
A: omg, why? WHY?
9:06 PM
me: this one will kill you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PFIam4QTcM
me: and, for the grand finale: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=1YRnqG4YlBE&feature= related9:10 PM A: Stop. Stop it right now.
me: I'm over here blubbering like an idiot. So, new low point? Crying in the library?
A: for us? no, probably not.me: I'm sorry. There's one more, but I'm not sure you can handle it.
A: if you give me a tissue, yes.me: fast forward to about 2:00me: WARNING: there's emotional background music. By Michael Buble.http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=fKYV0T3swDA
9:14 PM A: Putting that song in is just evil. I am a mess.
me: You're welcome.
2011. Business Casual and Jadedness. We are So. Old.
11:44 PM me: I don't know if it's the weather or what, but I just haven't felt 'right' the past few days.11:45 PM A: I'm trying to decide if I have a really bad headache or I'm pre-migraine.me: oh no! Try drinking some regular coke. That always helps me.A: I feel gross me: Today I wore that $5 H&M cotton skirt, which I now realize was a bad idea. And definitely not considered 'business casual'11:50 PMA: I hate business casualme: word. Also, I just bought another episode of "Toddlers & Tiaras" on iTunes. A:omg11:51 PM me: wow, only 9 minutes of my birthday left.A: you have to do something CRAZY. 11:54 PM me: well, in that spirit, I'm going to watch Toddlers and Tiaras and wait for my Advil PM to kick-in. Night!
2011. Business Casual and Jadedness. We are So. Old.
11:44 PM me: I don't know if it's the weather or what, but I just haven't felt 'right' the past few days.11:45 PM A: I'm trying to decide if I have a really bad headache or I'm pre-migraine.me: oh no! Try drinking some regular coke. That always helps me.A: I feel gross me: Today I wore that $5 H&M cotton skirt, which I now realize was a bad idea. And definitely not considered 'business casual'11:50 PMA: I hate business casualme: word. Also, I just bought another episode of "Toddlers & Tiaras" on iTunes. A:omg11:51 PM me: wow, only 9 minutes of my birthday left.A: you have to do something CRAZY. 11:54 PM me: well, in that spirit, I'm going to watch Toddlers and Tiaras and wait for my Advil PM to kick-in. Night!