Saturday I turned another year older, wiser, and more sensible. Right? Right. Overall, the day was a success and I feel very lucky to have such wonderful family and friends. But what would an event involving yours truly be without some over-analysis and moments of desperation? With that, I present, a few selected birthday highs and lows...
Birthday Highs and Lows
High: The 12 Cookie Monster cupcakes my friend J brought over to my apartment!
Low: Eating 12 Cookie Monster cupcakes in my apartment.
High: Knowing that I'll never join the 27-club!
Low: "Carrie. You're not famous. Why do you care about the 27-club?"
High: My birthday fell on a Saturday this year!
Low: My birthday fell on the day Whitney Houston died this year.
High: New experiences, like the Korean spa I decided to try out!
Low: Learning what makes Korean spas unique. For example, the "no swimsuits allowed in the pool" rule.
High: The dozen cupcakes that my friend A brought to my birthday happy hour!
Low: Realizing, halfway through devouring a cupcake that, not only was I eating alone, but Adele's "Someone Like You" was playing ominously overhead.
Wow carrie, I didn't know Whitney Houston died. You are so educational.
ReplyDeleteAnd happy birthday!
Also, any birthday that included all of those cookie monster cupcakes is wonderful. And what kind of birthday would it be if you shared those cupcakes? they are a cookie AND a cupcake. delicious delicious genius